2009, duratrans photograph in light-box, 27 x 41 in.
PROW is a collaborative enterprise founded with Olav Westphalen that utilizes the model of cinema as an organizing principle for collective participation. This project culminated in the simultaneous exhibitions PROW: The Prequel at Sara Melzer Gallery and ANTI-PROW at Art in General in 2010. For an animated scroll (145MB) of PROW's manifesto and a list of credits, click HERE.

2010, Aluminum, polyester, theatrical lighting, industrial fans, electrical equipment, cello, violin and various technical parts, dimensions variable.

2010, Aluminum, polyester, theatrical lighting, industrial fans, electrical equipment, cello, violin and various technical parts, dimensions variable.

2010, wheat-pasted manifestos on walls, aluminum ladders with latex paint and drawings, dimensions variable.
Unlike PROW's collective and unified voice, ANTI-PROW explored and exposed the fault-lines underlying any collective effort. The project was presented at Art in General in parallel with PROW: The Prequel at Sara Meltzer Gallery. For the displayed exquisite corpse drawings of famous corpses, Olav Westphalen and I executed each half in our "signature" styles--loose ink wash and tighter conte drawings, respectively. Each drawing is thus organized around a rift. Since Olav and I worked separately in Sweden and in New York, we did not know how these drawings connected until the show's installation.