2016, Photoshop painting done on Wacom tablet.
A satirical graphic novel in progress. For the first iteration of this project and some accompanying illustrations published in The Third Rail Quarterly click HERE.

2023, digital media, 5 x 7 in.

2022, digital media. Art Director and Illustrator for the Inside World—a Web 3.0 storytelling experience that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2022—in collaboration with Jennifer and Kevin McCoy and Annie Howell. For more on this project click HERE.

2022, digital media. Art Director and Illustrator for the Inside World—a Web 3.0 storytelling experience that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2022—in collaboration with Jennifer and Kevin McCoy and Annie Howell. For more on this project and Elle click HERE.

2022, digital media. Art Director and Illustrator for the Inside World—a Web 3.0 storytelling experience that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2022—in collaboration with Jennifer and Kevin McCoy and Annie Howell. For more on this project and Meli click HERE.

2022, digital media. Art Director and Illustrator for the Inside World—a Web 3.0 storytelling experience that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2022—in collaboration with Jennifer and Kevin McCoy and Annie Howell. For more on this project and Jan click HERE.

2020, digital media, 8 x 12 in. This image was also used for cover of Pandemix—an anthology curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. All the proceeds go to help cartoonists in need via the Hero Initiative.

2020, digital media, 7 x 10 in. My contribution to the benefit Pandemix anthology, curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. All the proceeds go to help cartoonists in need via the Hero Initiative.

2020, digital media, 7 x 10 in. My contribution to the benefit Pandemix anthology, curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020, digital media, 7 x 10 in. My contribution to the benefit Pandemix anthology, curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020, digital media, 7 x 10 in. My contribution to the benefit Pandemix anthology, curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020, digital media, 7 x 10 in. My contribution to the benefit Pandemix anthology, curated by Dean Haspiel and Whitney Matheson, which explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019, digital media. 2-Page comic for the commemorative issue “AOC and the Freshman Force #2: The Squad,” by Devil’s Due Comics. To preorder it, click HERE.

2017, Photoshop painting done on Wacom tablet.
Drawings for a sci-fi satire of a futuristic art fair taking place on Luna, Jupiter and its moons; Unbag Magazine, 2017. Click HERE to read the piece.

2018, digital media; comic commission for Topic: Federal Project No. 2. Click HERE to view the project.

2024, page spread from Slainhall, written by Season Butler and Neil Bennun, watercolor on paper and digital media, book print size: 6.75 × 10.25 in.

2024, page spread from Slainhall, written by Season Butler and Neil Bennun, 2024, digital media, book print size: 6.75 × 10.25 in.